Loud silence

My lungs fill with fire

to exhale desire

I hate these echoes I hear,

Echoes of unspoken murmurs and endless fear,

I prefer my room with ambient sound

And my library screaming loud

But someone stole my passion, so now I sit in silence

… sometimes quiet is violent

I’m forced to deal with what I feel

Just because there is no distraction to mask what’s real

So my mind fills with Armageddon and the apocalypse

I wish someone would just unmute all these moving lips

And save me from the voices inside my head

Because they whisper suggestions evil and bad;

Of tragedies

Without remedies

And massacres

without a care who they are

I have these thoughts so often within my mind

Simply because there is no sound to hide behind

Curse you who stole my zeal, now I sit in echoing silence

Definitely serene is malevolent

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